A Complete Guide to knowing everything about Revenue vs. Profit

To run a business or company, you need money, a proper plan to manufacture the products or provide services, and earn a profit. Without investment, it is impossible to start a business, and we need to keep an eye on revenue and profit for its growth.

Daniel Guajardo

Chief Executive Officer

To run a business or company, you need money, a proper plan to manufacture the products or provide services, and earn a profit. Without investment, it is impossible to start a business, and we need to keep an eye on revenue and profit for its growth. Some people get confused between these two terms as they think they are the same. We use two different terms to understand the business investment and the economy.

When talking about revenue vs. profit, you need to know the proper definition, types, and formula for finding revenue and profit for knowing a company's finance.

What is revenue?

Every company invests in a business, sells its products, and in return gets turnover or income for the company. The total sale cost of the company is called its revenue. It includes the expenses the companies have made for manufacturing the product, transport, and profit. A company's revenue can be big or small, and it declares how much the company has made a profit. Every kind of money the company receives in return for selling goods or services or rental property all fall into the category of revenue. A company's revenue can be different depending upon the size or the number of products.

Revenue is the topline of any company's finance as it is the total sale that a company receives and still includes the expenses we need to subtract later. For example, a company sells some products and gets a total of 200 million in return. This total sale includes your company's expenses for manufacturing and delivering the products.

Types of revenue

When learning about revenue vs. profit, you need to know the types of revenue a company or a business can generate.


Revenue may be operating and non-operating. Operating revenue is about the main or major revenue a company earns from its main services or operating products. For example, if a company is running a clothing brand, its major product or operational product will be clothing, and the revenue it generates from selling the clothes will be operating revenue.


Along with clothing, the brand is also selling jewelry and shoes; these are not the main products of the company, so these are non-operational products. So, the income from selling these products will be non-operating revenue.

Every company needs to calculate these revenues separately to identify how much operating and non-operating revenue it is generating. It will help the company to decide on its investment for next time.

Revenue formula

You can calculate the revenue of your business by following the steps.

First, count the number of products or services you sold, then multiply the product numbers by the cost of the product.

·   Find out the cost of operating revenue.

·   Find out non-operating revenue.

·   Add up both operating and non-operating revenue.

·   Total revenue= operating+ non-operating revenue

·   The overall formula for finding out revenue

Number of products sold×, cost of each product (including operational and non-operational income)= revenue

What is Profit?

Profit is not a term similar to revenue but quite different. Profit is the amount a company earns along with the expenses of the products. The total sale of a company includes the profit amount as well. The amount of profit no doubt depends on the total turnover.  If we properly define profit, it is the total income your company earns on the invested income statement. Usually, businessmen call it the bottom line of income. The income on income can vary from company to company and product to product.

The bottom line of the income statement, called profit, can appear between two contexts, the gross profit and operating profit. These two stages of counting the profit lead to finding out the net profit of a company, deciding the level of the company's income and giving it new directions towards the progress. As an example mentioned above, the revenue of a business is 200 million dollars and can have 10, 20, or 30 percent net profit.

Types of profit

When you want a complete guide about revenue vs. profit, you should know what the types or stages of profit are and how you can count them. The amount of profit helps the business entities to decide their next strategies to get a better turnover, including more profit. The following are three types of profit you need to know for understating the concept of revenue vs. profit.

Gross profit

Every company’s profits are divided into these three types r parts that it needs to separate. If we talk about gross profit, it is all about the expenses a company needs to count by considering how much it will spend on its employees, production, purchasing raw materials, and export. Product production is a continuous process, there can be multiple changes in the material and procedure, but the process continues. Gross profit will reveal such expenses for which you will be using an amount.

Operating profit

When running a company, you will surely be paying some annual taxes and some monthly interest. Operating profit is all about these expenses that will be removed from your earnings.

Net profit

Net profit is exclusively free of gross and operating profit. It is the pure profit that a company earns after removing money from taxes, labor, material, and interest.

Profit formula

Sometimes, new companies are confused about revenue vs. profit; they consider all the income their company earns is the profit, but it is a wrong concept. You can calculate the profit by using the following formula.

Total income over income statement (Revenue)-total expenses= profit.

When calculating the profit, you need to subtract the number of expenses you have done on product manufacturing and will be paying for other purposes. Cost of fowling things you need to subtract.

·   Cost of products, a company manufactured for sealing purposes

·   Cost of operating procedure

·   Cost of labor, material, and delivery

·   Income tax

·   Interest

So, the overall profits formula will

Revenue-cost of products for sell-operating expenses-tax-interest-labor cost-material cost= profit

Ways to increase revenue

For a successful business, especially in the initial stages, it is necessary to keep an eye on generating revenue. The revenue generation needs consistency which can lead to earning more profit, and your business can touch the heights of success.

By raising the cost of the product for customers

You can increase the revenue rate by enhancing the rate of the product. If you think you are selling a quality product and your compotators are earning more than you are selling same and of product, you should raise the cost for customers. It is the best way to lead your small business and generate more revenue, which will also include profit.

By increasing the product sale

Another amazing thing you can do is increase the quantity of sales products and manage the right product selling strategies. It will help if you are looking for multiple ways to sell your product by taking assistance from social media advertisements, establishing a sales department, and using electronic and print media. By adopting these ways, you will grab huge traffic to your product and increase product sales.

Ways to increase profit

When you are developing strategies to increase your company's revenue, you are indirectly increasing the profit as well. Increasing revenue is a great achievement for a company as compared to profit. It is an important part of the guide about revenue vs. profit as it shares information on how revenue relates to profit and to use which ways you can earn more profit. Following are a few tips you can use to increase your company's profit.

Always buy raw materials or services in bulk.

When buying material for manufacturing products or offering services, do buy it in bulk. As the material supplying companies offer a special discount to the customers who spend more to buy, you will be at an advantage of spending less while buying bulk.

Hire full-time accounting services from another company

You need a proper account holding service for book-keeping, finance tracking, and management. It becomes impossible to keep looking into finance properly along with tax and interests when busy with other business tasks. So, it is better to hire an accounting service to keep track of earnings and expenses to develop more powerful strategies and get relief on income tax.

Refinance the debts

If your company is working on interest and you were still using the same interest you chose years ago, do skip it. It would help if you refinanced to avoid paying more for the interest, but you have to pay low interest by refinancing.

What are the key differences between revenue and profit?

·   Revenue is overall income without counting expenditures, while profit is income after counting the expenditures.

·   Revenue is topline while profit is the bottom line

·   Your company needs to maintain good revenue generation, and the profit will be fine, but in the case of profit, the revenue will not be fine.


While discussing revenue vs. profit, we see how revenue affects profit. If we develop the right strategies, we can earn more profit.

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