Top 7 Project Management Templates to Implement Today

When it comes to managing projects you want to be sure that you have the best tools for the job. That means making sure you have the right people for each task, the right materials for the end product, and definitely the right project management system to keep track of everything.

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What is the best project management system? Well, it starts with having the right program, and then it’s all about making sure you have the right template to follow along with. We’re going to take a look at seven different templates that you should have in your arsenal, so you’re always ready for anything. 

Why You Need Gantt Charts

Before we get into the different types of templates that you should have ready, we’re going to take a look at Gantt charts in general. These charts are designed to help you stay on top of everything you need to do for a project. More than that, they’re designed to help your entire team stay on top of important tasks and get things done for your clients. They do that by providing you with a simple system that’s customizable to your specific situation, your project, and even your line of work. 

Why Instagantt?

If you are going to use Gantt charts, why does that mean you need Instagantt to help you? Because Instagantt offers you the best features for your Gantt charts. You’ll get all the features that you expect with Gantt charts including all of the customizable options. All you have to do is create an account and your entire team will be able to start working together on Gantt charts or Kanban boards for any projects you have. It’s easy to learn, easy to follow along, and definitely easy to keep everyone on the same page and get your clients everything that they need. 

The Best of the Best

We’ve searched through dozens of different templates to find the best ones for just about any situation. That way, you can take a look and jump right in to create the Gantt chart you need to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Each one of these is geared toward a different type of project or a different field, but no matter where you work or what you need to get done, you’ll be able to find something to help you get started. 

1. Product Roadmap Template

If you’re creating a new product you already know that there are a whole lot of steps to go through. And you definitely know how important each one of them is. If you don’t follow along with each step in order you might not end up with a product worth selling. Or if you skip over steps you might not end up with a product at all. A Gantt chart that lays out everything you need to get your product from idea all the way to a physical product is going to be essential.

The product roadmap template will guide you through the types of tasks you need and how to prioritize each of them to get you where you need to be. Not only that but it will track your progress and keep you, your team, and your stakeholders (as well as your client) aware of just what’s happening throughout the course of the project. Even more, you can customize the template for yourself and then store your own version to return to the next time you need to work on a new product. 

2. Project Planning Template

It’s always important to have a plan when you start a new project, but you might not always know just how to get started. That’s why a project planning template is a great idea. It gives you a guideline of just where to start to make sure you get everything done quickly and accurately from beginning to end. This is especially important if you work on a lot of projects that are very similar or have the same required steps. Creating a template will help you remember everything and get it done more efficiently.

With this template, you’ll be able to document all of the steps, communicate with your team, keep the client informed and determine things like plans, schedules, deliverables, and requirements. Using a Gantt chart for this process lets you design the project lifecycle and manage all of the different variables more efficiently. That way, you’re going to feel a whole lot more confident when it comes time to start the process this time and next time. Plus, your clients are going to be much happier with the results that you provide because they’re consistent. 

3. Software Development Project Plan Template

Developing any type of software is a complex process that you definitely want to get right. Making a mistake or missing a step could result in software that’s unusable or that has bugs that render it unsafe. Starting out with a template makes sure that you’re on the right path every time you want to create something new. It means that you only have to remember the steps one time and then you can work from your template to get everything done the next time and the next. You just need to get the template ready so you can start implementing it right away. 

A software development project plan will help you create your goals, set up documentation and requirements, set your budget, and even carry out the entire process much smoother. By creating a set timeline and system that you can use over and over, you’ll become more efficient and focused, which will help improve your bottom line and client experience. Since software development is so specific and requires extensive attention to detail, your template is going to make a huge difference in how confident you feel each time you set out to build something new as well. 

4. Mobile App Development Template

Just about everyone is using mobile apps in some way or another nowadays. That means you absolutely need to know how to create your own. But you’ll also want to know how to create them for your clients. All you need to do is do it once and you can set up a template to help your team along. With a mobile app development template, you’re going to know how to start out so you’re not starting from zero every time you need to create something new for a client. You’ll already have a framework that you can then fill in with the specifics of that particular project. 

When you set your template you can decide on how to draft an idea, the research that needs to be done, general mockups and designs, promotion, and building. The timeline or template that you create will flesh out each of these areas for you and as you work through customizing the template for each task you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything. You’ll have each category already set up so that you can input the specifics. That’s going to make each app you need to create a whole lot easier than the one before it, every time. 

5. Website Design Project Plan Template

Another area that’s definitely not going to be going away is website design. Everyone needs a website and that means they’re going to need you to help them create it. But there’s a whole lot more to building a website than you might think. In fact, there are many steps behind the scenes that even your clients may not think of. That’s why it’s important to create a template that you can then build off of. If you do, you’re going to set yourself up for success each time you need to create a new website for another client.

The website design template needs to include a general overview of what the website needs to accomplish, the different pages, the design, and the timeline. From there, you can flesh out specific ideas including who is working on different aspects and even the budget necessary for the overall project. Having a template in place, however, allows you to ask the right questions of your client and to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the details. Not only that but it will help you to balance the overall design of each website with the mechanics of the project. 

6. Product Management Template

There are likely a number of different products that you have available for your clients and your clients have a number of products available to their clients. But each of you needs a way to manage those products and make sure that you keep them organized and ready to go. How can you make sure that your products are ready to be sent out to a client or ready to be put into practice? Well, there’s a process for that. And when there’s a process there’s a way to make sure Gantt charts get you off on the right foot. 

A Gantt chart for product management lets you figure out how to execute a project in just the right fashion. You’ll learn how to find your client’s pain points and how to answer them through your products. You’ll also be able to set up your chart template so that you do the right research on how to create the product you decide on as well. Overall, your template needs to help you with figuring out your vision, communicating with others, creating a strategic plan, and then executing and completing the plan. With the right template to help you fill in the blanks, that’s no problem at all. 

7. Strategic Plan Template

When it comes to project management you absolutely need to have the right strategy in place to get started. But creating a proper strategy means looking at everything you want to provide for your clients and everything that they expect when working with you. If you do, you’re going to set yourself and your clients up for success. If you don’t, you could find yourself missing something essential when it’s time to implement any process within your business. A strategic plan will make sure that doesn’t happen to you.

A Gantt chart that helps you create a truly strategic plan each time you need to work with a client will make you more efficient and help you accomplish the goals you’ve set. You’ll be able to outline how everything can be accomplished and how it can get you from where you are to where you need to be. The first part of that is to set your priorities, objectives, tactics, resources, and more. From there, you can keep on building and fleshing out your plan. And it all starts with a template to make things a whole lot easier. That way, you don’t have to start from absolute zero every time you need to take on a new project. 


By now, you should have the templates that you need to start creating your first project. Whether you’ve never used a Gantt chart before or you use them every chance you get, Instagantt can help you throughout this process. All you need to do is take a look around and see what’s available. Gantt charts can make your life a whole lot easier and make sure that everything is being done the right way while you’re at it. What could be better than that? Your clients and your team are definitely going to be more than happy with the process and the results.

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