What is a secondment (benefits)?

Secondment is actually the exchange of your job by exchanging the employer in the same or different company or organization. The secondment benefits are not limited only to the students but being an employee; you can also get a secondment to improve your skills and experience to give a new turn to your career.

Daniel Guajardo

Chief Executive Officer

Suppose you are working in an organization on a full-time job. In that case, you find an opportunity to complete your higher education by attending regular classes. You will get confused. Most probably, most people sacrifice their education and a bright career due to the fear of losing that full-time job. 

The people do so because they do not know that what is a secondment (benefits). You will be pleased after knowing what is a secondment (benefits) and how it can help you turn your dreams true by learning new skills, getting experience, and professional education.

You can also take it as an internship during your education completion period, but this would be a paid internship. After knowing what is a secondment (benefits) and how it is important for you in different scenarios of life. 

What is a secondment (benefits)?

If you also do not know what is a secondment (benefits) then you need to read this article deeply to get maximum benefits from it. Secondment is actually the exchange of your job by exchanging the employer in the same or different company or organization. The secondment benefits are not limited only to the students but being an employee; you can also get a secondment to improve your skills and experience to give a new turn to your career. When you come to know what is a secondment (benefits) actually, you admire it. 

  • While gaining the opportunity to get secondment in your company or outside the company, you need to go through a proper way to satisfy your previous employer and the recent employer as well. 
  • When I came to know that what is a secondment, I get the point that it is just like taking a loan of employment. In a secondment, you are going to work with another department of your organization or the other organization for a short time, you may say for a few weeks or months. 
  • A secondment does not go longer than a year usually, that seems just like a part-time job in which you offer your services and get benefits for only that specific time during which you are serving the employer with your skills. In very rare cases, you will see it goes for two years approximately but don't forget in rare cases only. 
  • A secondment usually occurs among the organizations that are working for the same sake of the nature of their business is the same.

The secondment can be internal, external, international, or charitable. It depends upon you for which type of secondment you are looking for and want to get the experience in that particular field. 

Three parties get involved in secondment arrangements that are the previous employer, recent employer, and you as an employee. The autonomous power is with the previous employer because he/she is renting you for a few days, weeks, or months to another department of your company or the organization. We may say that the previous employer has all authorities lead the employee. 

How can you get a successful secondment?

When you come to know what is a secondment (benefits), find it interesting, and want to apply for it to get the best opportunity as per your need and looking into the benefits, you need to follow a series of steps before diving into a secondment. It is not as easy as you think, especially when you are a beginner and do not have an idea to deal with the situations wisely.

 It may create misunderstandings and conflicts while transferring temporarily or exchanging your designation in the same organization or the other organization. 

Here is the guideline for you while preparing the documents or sending a request to get the opportunity of secondment successfully. Top tricks to get a hundred percent successful secondment need to follow the ways given below.

Make sure you have prepared a written secondment agreement. 

We are humans and have chances of errors and omissions or may go through some trauma or disputes if we do not get prepared for the expected worse circumstances. Therefore, before you go for a secondment while exchanging your job to other departments of your company or other company means changing your recent boss, you need to have proof that you are going with him/her form now and then. 

To avoid disputes during your work after secondment, you should develop a written agreement that will help you legally to protect you in any case if you face a problem. This agreement is all about the employee, the previous employer, and the recent employer. This agreement decides for how many hours per week you will be working and what you will be getting in return as your salary or wage. 

Make sure the previous or old employer has the charge. 

Next, make sure being an employee, the controlling charge is in the hands of the previous employer who has sent you to the other department or the company as a secondee. The original employer keeps track of the working of the employee he has sent for a secondment and also makes sure his rights.

 In some cases, the employment charge goes into the hands of the host employer due to inconvenience circumstances or when the original employer surrenders.  Sometimes, the employees do not follow the terms and conditions of the secondment agreement and refuse to work efficiently and dutifully. 

In such cases, the inconvenient behavior of the employee forces the original employer to surrender and export the charge to the host employer so that he could deal as per his company's terms and policies.  

Have a clear concept of terms and conditions while working with other employers after availing a secondment 

When you are going to shift or exchange your job by applying to a secondment agreement, keep in mind you are having all terms, policies, and conditions of the company or department on the written agreement. The written terms and policies ensure the protection of the rights of the employees and both employers. 

It not only tends the employee to do his work dutifully but also forces the host employers to pay the written salary on time and allow all other benefits the company claims to provide their employees in the written agreement. So, before signing the agreement, employee, original, and host employer all three need to read it carefully. 

Make a clear deal or agreement to be on the safe side when you are absent, late, or any other ambiguity. 

There is also a great need to get satisfaction over the leaves for both the employee and the host employer so that they both can enjoy better employment relationships no matter how long it goes. The number of paid leaves, absentees, and late arrivals should be clearly described in the agreement. 

The number of paid leaves secures the employee's right if he is not attending the workplace for some solid and serious reasons. Unnecessary and non-intimate leaves or absents may cause problems for the host employer. The written agreement also carries information for such inconvenience. 

Do not share the property or most personal information with the host employer you have shifted with 

The employee knows the secrets and confidential information of the original and host employer that he can misuse. Employers need to keep the information confidential to ensure the security of the property or a business deal they are going to make. 

So, in the written agreement, the employers should add the clause for protection of their property or other business information that can harm the foundation of their business. 

Be sure about the smooth ending of a secondment. 

Before sending the employee to another department or the company, there is a need to clear some points to secure the job position of the employee in the old company. The secondment agreement should contain information about the returning of the employee or the secondee that when will he come back to the old job, on which designation, and with which salary. 

Benefits of getting a secondment 

So, after knowing what is secondment, a question will be clicking in your mind that why you should go for a secondment and what its advantages are. Here is the answer to your questions. 

1. More opportunities to grow your career 

When you being an employee, gets an opportunity to work with another company or the department, you will get more experience and also find new job opportunities around you. Maybe while working as a secondee, you get a full-time job that is much better than the existing or previous job. It is also of advantage for the students who are studying in regular admission and want to have a job to meet their expenses. 

2. A chance to update your skillset 

You will learn new things soon at the new place. The working style of every company and even every person is different that may add some more skills to your skillset.

3. Improve the leadership skills 

Secondment also helps you to improve your leadership skill being an employee or employer because you follow the rule, do not cheat, and learn to be proactive. 


These articles throw light on the very interesting part of the job about which the majority of the people do not know that what is a secondment?  How can we get a successful secondment? And what are its benefits?

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