What is Eat the Frog? Definition and history

There comes a time in our life when we feel lazy and lack the motivation to do our daily tasks. Due to this lack of motivation and sluggishness, we lose track of our life and as a result, our most important task of the day remains unsolved.

Andres Rodriguez

Chief Marketing Officer

What is Eat the Frog?

Eat that Frog is a technique invented by Brian Tracy which he introduced in his book which is referred to 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating In this book, he has highlighted some tips, and features that he thinks are the most important to handle your most important tasks of the day. Brian was inspired by the quote of the famous American author Mark Twain which gave him the perception to write this book.

Eat that Frog is a task management technique through which people can solve their most important tasks of the day, even the most complex ones. Brian Tracy has highlighted the 21 most important points in his Eat that Frog book. These 21 points help people to plan, manage, and take action to handle their most important errands of the day.

Eat that Frog technique delivers an important message that says that if people wish to be successful in their lives, then they have to take immediate, and necessary actions without overthinking too much. According to Brian Tracy, Eat That Frog tactic should be implemented first thing in the morning.

Through Eat that Frog technique people can identify their motive and schedule of the day which helps them to plan out their entire day in an efficient manner.

Which type of people can utilize Eat that Frog technique?

Eat that Frog technique can be used by many people so they can successfully and efficiently manage their tasks. Some types of people that can truly gain benefit from this strategy are mentioned below.

  • People who can’t decide what is the frog

Many people get confused in identifying their frog of the day. According to Brian Tracy, the frog is the most important task of the day. Eat that Frog strategy can be implemented by people who are unable to find their most significant task of the day so they can identify their frog and can solve it.

  • People who delay their tasks

Most of the time people delay their tasks including the crucial ones and as a result, they’re unable to get the most out of their lives. Eat that Frog technique can be applied by people who struggle with laziness and lack the motivation to handle their frog.

  • People who aren’t able to maximize their productivity

Oftentimes people are unable to do their work which reduces their productivity level and as a result, they aren’t able to achieve their target on time. Eat that Frog can be implemented by the people who want to maximize their productivity level and reach their goals on time.

How Eat that Frog strategy works?

Brian Tracy has mentioned some important points in his book that significantly states how Eat that Frog strategy works.  You need to understand these to know What is Eat the Frog?

  • Helps to plan your day in advance

Brain Tracy has mentioned in his Eat that Frog book that people need to write on a piece of paper that what should they do on their next day. By following this strategy of Eat that Frog technique, one can clear his mind of all confusion and can focus on what’s the most important thing that needs to be done the next day.

Eat that Frog works in a specific manner that helps people to identify their objective which as a result saves time and hassle.

  • The 80/20 rule

Eat that Frog lays emphasis on a specific type of rule known as the 80/20 rule. People should apply this rule to everything and only focus on only top 20% of their to-do list. This rule of Eat that Frog saves people from putting in all of their efforts and they’re able to get the maximum result by putting in only 20% of their effort.

  • Helps to prioritize actions

Eat that Frog develops a routine in people who tend to follow it. Eat that Frog states that you should be free of all distractions that you might think are forcing your work to be delayed.

Eat that Frog trick works in a specific way that helps people to find a suitable workplace so they can focus on their work. Moreover, by following the Eat that Frog strategy people are bound to be more attentive and productive throughout their day.

  • Be aware of the consequences

Eat that Frog helps people to consider the consequences of not doing their most important tasks of the day on time. Eat that Frog helps us to identify that what can they lose if they’re too lazy and irresponsible to complete their biggest tasks on time.

In this way, people can be aware of the consequences which as a result causes them to complete their most important work otherwise known as the frog by Brian Tracy on time with the utmost efficiency.

  • Helps to identify your ideal working hours

Eat that Frog helps people to identify their optimal working hours. Eat that Frog guarantees that people work in their best working hours so that they can unlock their full potential and can gain new heights of success in their lives.

According to Brian Tracy, the ideal working hour of a person is early in the morning. By following Eat that Frog technique you can know how to utilize your morning hours and complete your most important task of the day.

  • Urgency is the key to success

Eat that Frog works to ensure that people can create a sense of urgency in their minds related to their tasks, and activities which they think are the most important. By following this technique people can gain a sense of urgency and as a result, most of their tasks are completed before time.

Let’s move on with our discussion What is Eat the Frog?

Tips for using Eat that Frog

There are many tips for using Eat that Frog strategy out of which the most important ones are listed below.

Small steps ensure great success

One of the most important tips for using Eat that Frog is to complete your target or goal step by step. Make sure that you try to complete your most important tasks of the day gradually rather than completing them in an absolute rush.  

This tip will ensure that you are relaxed while completing your task and as a result, your tasks will be completed panic-free and in an efficient way. Moreover, this tip will also be beneficial later in your life as it will help you to solve even the difficult of your tasks with ease.

Be optimistic

Another tip for using Eat that Frog technique is that you should always stay optimistic. You should have the “I Can Do It” attitude and mindset before you even begin your task. Being optimistic is very important as this can help you to boost your confidence and as a result, you’re able to do most of your important tasks of the day without facing any perilous problems.

Raise your difficulty level

One of the most important tips for using Eat that Frog technique is that you should always try to do your most difficult tasks of the day first. This tip can be applied in a situation where you have two, or more than two important tasks, that need to be solved. In this type of situation, try to follow this tip and consider solving, and completing the task that you think is the most difficult for you to handle.

In this way, you’ll be able to have a sense of relief if your most complex task is finished first and as a result, your confidence level will be raised which will help you to finish the remaining tasks. This tip will also help you to stay more focused and motivated throughout your entire day.

Don’t progress without completing

Another great tip for you to follow while using the Eat that Frog technique is that you should not move ahead until and unless you’ve completed your most important task of the day. By following this tip you’ll make yourself stick to that one particular task and as result, you’ll be able to solve it in a short matter of time.

Most of the time people move onto their next most important task of the day without completing the previous one which isn’t a great idea and as a result, none of the tasks are completed which makes them frustrated.


This article talks about the great technique invented by famous author Brian Tracy known as Eat that Frog. This article also mentions some of the great tips for using Eat that Frog strategy that you can follow to make yourself successful.

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